a modern RELIGIOUS experience??

2007-10-15 8:39 pm
Hello! Does anyone know any good modern stories about people who claim to have had a religious experience?
Thanxx in advance! :D

回答 (1)

2007-10-15 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
they're all over the place. they're big, they're bad, and they're ridiculous. don't get me wrong--i'm a religious person myself, and i've had religious experiences myself, but there's a lot of stuff out there that's just crap. hopefully you won't base your beliefs on "personal experiences" being, for the most part, an emotional spaz. your emotions change from day to day. find solid truth and hold onto it for dear life.
if you want to google it, there are a lot of christian evangelists who are just insane. benny hinn, kenneth hagin...at the moment, for some reason, nothing else comes to mind....but they're out there. another thing i want to warn you against: don't take a religion for its radicals. the above claim to be christians. i do as well, but do not in any way hold to their teachings. same is true of islam. there are radicals that make the entire religion look like they're all the same--but they're not. whether or not an ad absurdum fits here is a whole different argument.

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