a modern RELIGIOUS experience???

2007-10-15 8:37 pm
Hello! Does anyone know any good stories of people who claim to have had a religious experience??
Thanxx in advance!! :D

回答 (13)

2007-10-15 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Religious experience? I don't think those actually exist. Only delusions.
參考: Reality.
2007-10-15 9:11 pm
I have a good one, but I will never tell it. It is not believable. Something happened in a room with 4 people in it, and it was so fantastic (we all saw and heard it with our naked eyes and ears) that it could not be explained in any way. When I say it was supernatural, I really really mean big time supernatural, to the point that if someone told me the story, I probably would not believe it either.

You would call me crazy if I told it to you, but the "experience" was witnessed by the others in that room, so I know we could not have all imagined it, there is just no way. And it was no small thing.

So yes, I do believe in the "supernatural", it is true for me, and was for the others in that room, but I could not convince anyone else of what happened, there is just no way.

There was no scientific explanation for it, but it definitely happened. I know I sound crazy for even bringing it up, but I am not.

The people in that room were healthy, normal people, and there was no reason for us to make anything up.

I don't mean to leave you hanging like that, but to me "modern religious experiences" are a real thing, big time.

Sorry if I was too vague, but I felt I was going out on a limb for just telling you the little that I did.
2007-10-15 8:43 pm
Actually I did ,,,While in MS while helping out the hurrican victims,,,I saw alot of them,,THEY were almost unbelievable..I have photos to prove them.....
one of the things I saw was IN a vacant deserted building that was flooded and everything that was scattered all over the house including bed and refrigerator ,,you name it ,,it was trashed and when I walked in there was an upside down floor lamp that was wedged across a crucifix holding it agaist the wall and Jesus's arms were stretched out and it was right were the flood water line was ..I still get the goose bumps thinking of it..
There are others too,,,I still might write a book about the whole thing...I DO NOT DOUBT my religion ANY more and I probably NEVER WILL!!
2007-10-15 8:39 pm
I've had some. Check out my church's site. My church was founded by a man, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs who saw a vision of Jehovah-1, the mad space god, on a television that he built himself. His conversation with Wotan lead to the PreScriptures, and later, The Book of the SubGenius. As for me, I gave the blessed Anti-Virgin a high protein tonsil wash.

2016-04-09 11:01 am
The Marian apparitions at Fatima and Medugorje are examples of famous modern-day religious experiences.
2007-10-15 10:46 pm
Check this out!
Free ebook
See: Chapter 15: Religion / The Second Coming
(re: Guardian Angel).
2007-10-15 8:47 pm
It seems to me that the words 'modern' and 'religious' contradict each other. All the main world religions derive from superstitions and folk tales which came to prominence between 1000 and 2000 years ago.

We need true modernity in the 21st century.
2007-10-15 8:46 pm
There are two kinds of religious experience. One is psychic, the other, for want of a better word, transcendental. Religious experiences of the psyche are two a penny, ranging from the "God told me so" rantings of your common-or-garden nutter to the slightly more respected "Gold told me so" rantings of Mohammed, Paul and co. Transcendental religious experiences are less common, although they are a constant and delightful theme in human history - if you can find them. From the words of "Lao Tzu" through Meister Eckhart right up to (in our day) Barry Long and Eckhart Tolle these experiences are neither personal, hallucinatory, abstract, emotional or even subjective (in the common subject vs object sense), yet they are deeply real and, when reported, as creative, entertaining and powerful as anything that you can find in great works of art (themselves often touched by the transcendental).
2007-10-15 8:42 pm
In my 66 years of life I have never heard anyone to claim that they had a religous experience.
2007-10-15 8:38 pm

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