轉英文, pleaseeee

2007-10-16 6:41 am
我地已經捉到個賊, 都麻煩請你去落一落口供

回答 (7)

2007-10-16 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
We have already catch the thief. Can you please come to give the statement about this? Thanks
2007-10-18 3:13 am
We already seized a thief, the hemp request you to fall the oral
2007-10-17 4:47 am
A tempting new spread lies ahead.


廿一世紀的翻譯社 - 譯言堂



參考: ME
2007-10-17 4:21 am
We have already arrested the thief. Please spare some time to go to the police and do a formal statement.
2007-10-16 11:25 am
我地已經捉到個賊, 都麻煩請你去落一落口供.
We have just arrested (逮捕) the thief/robber/burglar/pickpocket, please kindly come to the police station to make an oral statement (口供).

扒手 = pickpocket

小偷 = thief
搶劫小偷 = robber
破門盜竊者 = burglar

2007-10-16 03:27:40 補充:
上面用戶的翻譯全部有文法用字錯誤﹐ written report 係書面報告,唔係口供。
參考: Myself . 我住在美國
2007-10-16 10:03 am
We've arrested a suspect, please come to the police station for a written report.
2007-10-16 6:53 am
We've already caught the thief, please went to police station to record the confession.

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