
2007-10-16 6:00 am
Your company has been providing investment services for us for many years; we also feel it to be honored very much and grateful you very much to provide for us for the life insurance scheme. However, the low response rate from our employees. Therefore, I have some proposals, and hope to be accepted.
這是商業英語,假設公司要send a letter to other company,

respond to requests,body係未應該咁寫?
會唔會太直接? 字眼合適嗎?請幫我改改~

回答 (2)

2007-10-16 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thank you very much for the quality service your company provided. For many years, your company have provided us with investment services including life insurance schemes .
Enclosed herewith please find a number of our proposals for your consideration . We hope that you are satisfied with our proposals . We would be grateful if you could take your valuable time to study these proposals and return them to us by fax or by mail . Should you have any further queries, please feel free to call us at (phone number) .
At the same time, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience resulted from our employees' slow response to your company.
Thank you for your kind attention and support .
2007-10-16 6:46 am
We appreciate many years of investment services provided by your company, and are grateful for the life insurance scheme offer. However, due to the low response rate from our employees, we have an alternative proposal for your consideration.

just add your proposal ideas down, no need to go on and on if it's not necessary.
參考: me

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