
2007-10-16 5:44 am

回答 (3)

2007-10-19 6:47 pm
Next, the secondary school student will make the concurrent job also to affect between them and family member's relations. The nowadays society, the parents and the children has a heart-to-heart talk the time had been already getting fewer and fewer, if the children make the concurrent job the time, just is time which the parents finish work go home, that then company meets the time is also exploited, the relations will then become leave sparsely, did not understand mutually. Moreover, the secondary school student always does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, thought that he did holds concurrent jobs to make money, to help out financially the family budget, probably was very great, thought oneself infallible, is insufferably arrogant, becomes does not respect the parents, serious influence with family member's relations.
參考: Me
2007-10-16 8:56 pm
Furthermore, secondary school students taking up part-time jobs also have an adverse effect on their relationship with their families. Quality time spent by parents on communicating with their offsprings is on the decrease in the modern world of today. If secondary school students are working part-time during the time when their parents are off-duty from work, they can rarely see each other, not to mention communicating or understanding. On top of that, secondary school students may be immature to believe that, now being one of the breadwinners in the family, they do not need to pay respect to their parents. At the end of the day the family tie is further damaged.
2007-10-16 6:32 am
Secondly, relationship between secondary students and their families would also be affected by doing a part-time job. Nowadays, time for communicating between parents and their sons and daughters has become less and less. If the time that the son/ daughter is out to do a part-time job and it's also the time for the parents to be back from work, then they can't even meet each other. It lead to the estranged relationship between them and they would easily misunderstand each other. Moreover, secondary students always concider themself as correct once they have the ability to earn money for home. This attitude makes them no more respecting their parents and it seriously affects the relationship between them and their families.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:48:23
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