
2007-10-16 5:34 am

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2007-10-16 5:38 am
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基金包含資金和組織的兩方面含義。從資金上講,基金是用於特定目的並獨立核算的資金。其中,既包括各國共有的養老保險基金、退休基金、救濟基金、教育獎勵基金等,也包括中國特有的財政專項基金、職工集體福利基金、能源交通重點建設基金、預算調節基金等。 從組織上講,基金是為特定目標而專門管理和運作資金的機構或組織。這種基金組織,可以是非法人機構(如財政專項基金、高校中的教育獎勵基金、保險基金等),可以是事業性法人機構(如中國的宋慶齡兒童基金會、孫冶方經濟學獎勵基金會、茅盾文學獎勵基金會,美國的福特基金會、富布賴特基金會等),也可以是公司性法人機構。

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KC18 股票論壇

2個分類: 組織 | 金融
參考: wikipedia
2007-10-20 7:55 pm

假設一個基金只匯集了甲、乙、丙三人的錢,其中甲出了 500 元,乙出了 300 元,丙出了 200 元,這個基金便有 1,000 元。假設這基金每單位為 10 元(基金的「單位」相當於股票的「股」),那麼甲便有 50 個單位,乙有 30 個單位,丙有 20 個單位。

每個基金都有基金經理,負責揀買甚麼股票。匯集了這 1,000 元後,他便會去買股票。如果升了一成,總值便變成 1,100 元,即每個單位變成 11 元。這時如果甲要退出,便是贖回,可以拿回 50 個單位 x 11 元/單位 = 550 元。但如果跌了一成,總值便變成 900 元,即每個單位變成 9 元。這時如果甲要退出,則可以拿回 50 個單位 x 9 元/單位 = 450 元。

如果在每個單位變成 11 元時,丁想加入,便是認購,如果他要買 10 個單位,便要出 10 個單位 x 11 元/單位 = 110 元。如果在每個單位變成 9 元時,丁加入,則買 10 個單位要出 10 個單位 x 9 元/單位 = 90 元。

如果在每個單位變成 11 元或 9 元時,甲、乙、丙想加買,也如同丁加入一樣計法。



認購費一般由 0% - 5.5% 不等,按買的金額計,以上面的例子來說,如果認購費是 5%,最初甲其實要出 525 元,乙要出 315 元,丙要出 210 元。

管理費一般由 0%pa - 2.5%pa 不等,按基金價值每日計,在報價時已經扣了,故不會另外收。假如管理費為 1%pa,基金價值為 11 元,1 日的收費便是 11 x 1/100 / 365 元。

贖回費多數是 0%,也有 0.5%,按賣的金額計。

2007-10-16 7:29 am
Unit trusts are collective funds which allow private investors to pool their money in a single fund, thus spreading their risk, getting the benefit of professional fund management, and reducing their dealing costs.

Features of unit trusts:

They are open-ended which means that the trust can issue new units in response to demand. This means that unit trusts trade at their net asset value - that is the value of their underlying assets divided by the number of units in issue. Contrast this with investment trusts, which are closed funds. Their share prices are affected by market forces and often trade at a substantial discount to net asset value.
Different trusts have different investment objectives. Some invest for income, some for growth. Some invest in small companies, some in large. Some invest in the UK, some in other territories. As an investor you can choose the trust that matches your interest and objectives.
Investment decisions are made by professional fund managers appointed by the trustees. These managers make annual charges.
Every day the trustees compute the value of the trust, divide it by the number of units in issue, and produce a bid and offer price based on that calculation. Unfortunately, when you invest in a unit trust, you usually never know the price you will be charged for units until the next valuation point, typically midday the following day.
Unit trusts are well suited to regular savers who want to drip-feed money into the market every month. With unit trusts, you can invest as little as ?50 per month, averaging the acquisition cost of your shares over many months.
Many unit trusts make an initial charge when you invest, and their management charges are deducted from fund income.
2007-10-16 5:40 am

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