
2007-10-16 4:13 am
1. What is deforestation?
2. Good effects
3. Bad effects
4. How to save the forests from deforestation?

回答 (2)

2007-10-16 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Deforesation is fewer and fewer trees in a place and the soil becomer poor, do not enough nutrients for the trees.And it may causes by the human activities.

2.You can get enough solar energy there.

3.It will effect the ecosystem , make the global warming become more serious and may lead the species of animals extinct.People can't live there and can't do the farming.

4. Through the international cooperation.
參考: myself.
2007-10-16 7:14 am
1)deforestation=removal of a large piece natural vegetation(eg.logging in rainforest)

2)cheap and extensive land for development
easy to obtain coz only cut down the tress instead of locking down a building
no need for monetary compensation
wont affect many people

3)more CO2 in the air coz less trees mean less CO2 is absorbed by photosynthesis
degradation of land coz increase rain drop and wind erosion
destroy the habitat of various wild animals(eg.birds)
increase possibility off flooding coz less infiltration by the roots of trees

4)ban deforestation by setting law
set up a national park
develop other industries instead of logging,mining...
do not buy any product that is made of the wood from raniforest(eg.rosewood)

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