
2007-10-16 4:02 am

回答 (3)

2007-10-16 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Environmental movement (a term that sometimes includes the conservation and green movements) is a diverse scientific, social, and political movement. In general terms, environmentalists advocate the sustainable management of resources, and the protection (and restoration, when necessary) of the natural environment through changes in public policy and individual behavior. In its recognition of humanity as a participant in ecosystems, the movement is centered around ecology, health, and human rights.

Environmental organizations can be global, regional, national or local; they can be government-run or private (NGO). Several environmental organizations, among them the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Environmental Defense Fund, specialize in bringing lawsuits. Other environmentalist groups, such as the National Wildlife Federation, World Wide Fund for Nature, Friends of the Earth, the Nature Conservancy, and the Wilderness Society, disseminate information, participate in public hearings, lobby, stage demonstrations, and purchase land for preservation. Smaller groups, including Wildlife Conservation International, conduct research on endangered species and ecosystems. More radical organizations, such as Greenpeace, Earth First!, and the Earth Liberation Front, have more directly opposed actions they regard as environmentally harmful. While Greenpeace is devoted to nonviolent confrontation, the underground Earth Liberation Front engages in the clandestine destruction of property, the release of caged or penned animals, and other acts of sabotage.

On an international level, concern for the environment was the subject of a UN conference in Stockholm in 1972, attended by 114 nations. Out of this meeting developed UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and the follow-up United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Other international organizations in support of environmental policies development include the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NAFTA), the European Environment Agency (EEA), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

There are some environmental issues that is due to human activity:

Climate change — Global warming • Fossil fuels • Sea level rise • Effects of the automobile on societies

Pollution — Air pollution • Light pollution • Noise pollution • Thermal pollution

Water pollution — Drinking water • Eutrophication • Water crisis • Oil spills

Resource depletion — Exploitation of natural resources

Fishing — Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing • Environmental effects of fishing • Overfishing • Bottom trawling

Logging — Illegal logging • Deforestation

Mining — Acid mine drainage

Toxic waste — Dioxin • Chlorofluorocarbons • Heavy metals • Herbicides • Pesticides • Toxics use reduction

2007-10-16 4:53 am
Debate and make a speech by pros second mate now. (sting) It is square time limit of speech every minute and second, it needn't deduct points / It is second overtime, are judged and deducted by each person Divide
Until square second mate debate and make a speech instead now. (sting) Instead it is square time limit of speech every minute and second,needn't deduct points / It is second overtime, are judged and deducted by each person Divide
Have break of two minutes now.

It is that classmates ask for time under Taiwan now, it is also that both sides mainly debate and debate the time to prepare in order to form, the persons who ask can ask once at most under each person's platform, the president hints, can begin to ask, it is one minute to prescribe a time limit, timekeepers, before legal time finishes once of loud clock every 15 seconds. Asking for over one minute such as the persons who ask, the president will stop his making a speech immediately. Over one question that if ask under the platform, the persons who reply need only choose a question among them to answer. If the persons who ask only within time limit of one minute make a speech but not ask under the platform, or still nobody asks after asking for 30 seconds under the circumstances that the president hints in the platform, then the other side needn't reply and draw ten fen completely, and ask in one party and make nil. Ask classmate have no right to appoint no one to answer under the platform. If the question of the persons who ask has ambiguous places under the platform, the persons who reply have the right to raise questions, but resolve to be still subject to the president's award finally. The persons who reply will plan for one minute on the platform, it takes 15 seconds before finish in one minute, have bell to be loud ' Sting) ,After makeup-time of one minute, on the platform if nobody replies, reply in one party and make the theory of abstaining. The persons who debate reply for one minute, 15 seconds before time finishes to reply, there is bell loud, after making a speech for one minute, bell two is loud (sting) ,Have not buffered time. If if exceeding, the president will stop his making a speech at once.
Without the question, first
1 2 3
*Ask square classmate to ask ' Sting) . (one minute later) (sting)
Please answer by classmate Fang instead ' Sting) . (one minute later) (sting)
Please ask by classmate Fang instead ' Sting) . (one minute later) (sting)
Ask square classmate to answer ' Sting) . (one minute later) (sting)
repeat **
Have break of five minutes now after the links of asking under the platform.
It is both sides that mainly debate the links of summarizing now, mainly debated and formed debating against the side first, the time limit is five minutes, do not have and buffer time, and then mainly debated and formed to debate by the pros. Please mainly debate and marry debating against the side first now ' Sting) . (five minutes) (sting) And then ask the pros to mainly debate and form debating ' Sting) . (five minutes) (sting)

2007-10-15 20:55:49 補充:
Match over, ask staff member in judge, collect, divide paper into grade, the persons who also please each debate stay and sit, so that staff members score. (score and plan to note down)

2007-10-15 21:02:22 補充:
In front of announcing match result, please judge, put comment for everybody at first, have, ask _ _ _Teacher. (Announce result now, count, calculate with ticket, / instead square to first ticket win with three to zero / 2. Invite headmaster /_ _ _ Teacher ( Appear on the stage) Issue,
參考: kite5882000放唔哂!用呢個戶口!...
2007-10-16 4:34 am
Judge, every teacher, every classmate:
How are you, welcome you to participate in this tournament at first, the question of debating of today is
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Judge and include _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Teacher, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ teacher's sum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Teacher. Participate in the beginning today / the teams of the final are separately _ _ _ _ _ Society's sum _ _ _ _ _ The classmates of the society. It is the pros to sit on my right _ _ _ _ _ Society's classmates, mainly debate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Classmates, the first pair is debated _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Classmate, second mate it debates to be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Classmates. And it is against the side to sit on the left of me _ _ _ _ _ Society's classmates, mainly debate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Classmates, the first pair is debated _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Classmate, second mate it debates to be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Classmates.
Explain the match rule first now. Competition this debate, make a speech mainly by pros first, debate, make a speech mainly against side thereafter, analogize so. Both sides mainly debate and open to debate for five minutes, the vice speech time limits of debating of both sides are three minutes respectively, the timekeeper will be according to once of clock before each speech [sting ], show the time limit of speech began. The time limit of speech is still more than 30 seconds that the second loud clock and watch shows, bell two is loud finally [sting ], show the time limit of speech is over. After time limit of speech, have the buffer time of 15 seconds, after buffering time, continuous bell three will be loud [sting ], if the persons who argue will be deducted points to make a speech to go on. Deduct points system in order to exceed, as unit, begin to calculate behind buffering time will it be five second each time, pass, judge, deduct five each person five second each time, fewer than, act as, calculate in 5 seconds also 5 seconds. If the persons who debate still continue making a speech in 30 seconds after buffering time, the speech of the persons who will stop debating of the president.
Its language that this competition uses takes English as the core, can't make personal attack, the dirty language of thick speech or all boorish behaviours, otherwise the president has the right stops his making a speech. Positive and negative of both sides classmate, could you tell me, say, understand place to the above? ( Without the question, the competition begins immediately (both sides can begin after hinting) .

2007-10-15 20:37:37 補充:
Mainly debated to begin to make a speech by the pros at first. (sting) It is square for every minute and second in time limit of speech, it needn't deduct points / It is second overtime, are judged and deducted by each person Divide[分]

2007-10-15 20:38:22 補充:
Mainly debated the speech against the side now. (sting) Square time limit of speech the every minute and second instead, needn't deduct points /overtime Second, are judged and deducted by each person Divide

2007-10-15 20:39:13 補充:
Debated to make a speech by the first pair of pros now. (sting) In time limit of speeches square for every minute and second, it needn't deduct points / It is second overtime, are judged and deducted by each person Divide

2007-10-15 20:39:37 補充:
Debate, make a speech against side first now. (sting) Instead it is square time limit of speech every minute and second, it needn't deduct points / It is second overtime, are judged and deducted by each person Divide
參考: 過多...分開!...

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