
2007-10-16 3:41 am

全世界的xx fans,大家好!我是中國的xx fans。我希望集合全世界的xx fans,每個人從日常日話的開銷中省下一點點的錢,哪怕只有0.1歐元!一起捐給xxx!這不只對xx的名望有幫助,也真正地為全人類做了好事!
請大家在自己的國家選出一個xx fans,一個值得全國所有xx fans信任的人。而貴國的酬款請都儲在貴國的一個銀行戶口內,由貴國選出的那個xx fans保管。每當儲至1000歐元時,請馬上捐給xxx。並在署名處填寫「xx fans」加上貴國名稱。例如:「xx fans,China」。
我們要讓世界知道,xx的力量是無限的。全世界xx fans的力量已經凝聚在一起了,並為世界的和諧貢獻出自己的力量!
希望所有xx fans行動起來!為xx,也為世界做貢獻!


回答 (1)

2007-10-16 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Xx fans in whole world, everybody is good! I am xx fans of China. I hope for xx fans of the set in whole world, everybody saves a little money in the expenses of since daily day, even if there is only 0.1 euro! Donate xxx together! This not only fame and prestige in xx helpful, make good thing for the whole mankind really!
Please elect one xx fans in one's own country, one worth the whole country all people that xx fans believed in. And reward fund of your country please is it in one bank account of your country, keep by those xx fans that your country elect to store. Whenever store to 1000 euro, please donate xxx at once. And is signing the place and filling in ' xx fans ' and adding your country's name. For example: ' xx fans, China' .
We want to let the world know, the strength of xx is limitless. The strength of xx fans in whole world has already been condensed together, and contribute one's own strength for the harmony of the world!
Hope all xx fans takes action! It is xx, contribute for the world too!
In addition, don't stop!
Thanks! Extremely thank you!
參考: Dr.eye

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