請問甚麼是Unit Test, System Integration Test 同埋 Regression Test?

2007-10-16 2:41 am
你好, 請問甚麼是Unit Test, System Integration Test 同埋 Regression Test?

回答 (2)

2007-10-16 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am sorry, i don't even know what the other answers mean.

Basically, before a software is released to the market for users to use, it needs to go through all three tests. (unit, integration and regression)

When a developer has written some codes. eg. int x = 1, y = x + 5.
then the developer needs to unit-test it first.
unit-test means making sure your code works the way u expect.
in this case, you expect the result y is 6.
so you just needs to unit-test the value of y.

But at this stage, the software isn't ready. it then needs to go to regression test. It is to make sure other part of the software is also working the same as before. Because after your change, the value of y is OK. But other part of codes may depend on y.
eg. 6 = Y + 1.
after ur change, if other part of code has the above statement, then the regression test will fail !

Finally, it goes into integration test. This is normally done by test engineer rather than developer. This is black box testing. Test engineers normally don't know how the code works.. they write the test codes and simply make sure they put in values and all the outcome is expected. It doesn't test so detail like i mentioned b4.
for examples, it may just test a software can be input numbers and letters. and output is displayed correctly. If it will crash etc...
Also, in a large software, you may work in one small part and it will then be integrated to the whole large software. Integration test is done in the whole software level, while your own unit-test and regression test is only done within ur part of code. (eg. in ur own team, or ur project)
參考: self-knowledge. working in a software company.
2007-10-16 2:53 am
The Tessy test system offers automated module testing of C code directly on the target system using standard debugging technology. It supports the whole unit testing cycle and works transparently on all supported target debuggers. Tessy constructs the complete test driver including the necessary module environment and controls the testing process. It allows systematic and reproducible testing in batch mode as well as step-by-step execution using all available debugging features of the target system. This enables really easy debugging with test data from previously-failed test cases. Test reporting is based on automatically generated XML result files to produce customizable reports in HTML, TXT, Word or Excel format.

Tessy analyzes the source code and recognizes the usage of variables and their respective types. The interface information is stored separately from the test data and expected values. This enables Tessy to use browser editors for interface settings and data input. On interface changes (during regression testing of new builds), test data may easily be re-used after assignment of the changed to the old interface.

Systematic test case design using the classification tree method:
Intuitive, easy to learn graphical representation of test specifications.

Reproducible tests based on given input data and expected results
Automatic test driver generation, test execution on the target and
evaluation of test results.
Standardized test reporting and documentation of the test

Powerful regression testing:
An interface browser tool provides comfortable interface assignment which allows automatic re-usage of test data.

Plug&Play installation for the most common target environments, compilers and microcontrollers Test driver based on client/server technology allows unlimited number of test cases and minimum code/data requirements on the target system.

System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 / 2000 / XP

78K0, 68k, Arm, C51, C166, C167, XC166 , CR16, FFMC16, HCS08, HCS12, M16C, M32C, PPC5xx, Tricore, TMS 320, TMS 470, ST7, Star12, S12, V850

ARM, Cosmic, DiabData, Fujitsu, Green Hills, HighTec, IAR, Keil, Metrowerks, Microtec, National, Tasking, TI

Fujitsu, Green Hills, Hitex, iSYSTEM, HighTec, IAR, Keil, Lauterbach, Mitsubishi, NEC, PLS, STM, Tasking, TI, Windriver

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