besides food ,what do you think Hong Kong is famous for?

2007-10-16 1:34 am
besides food ,what do you think Hong Kong is famous for?急急急...

回答 (3)

2007-10-16 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Famous for its excellent view in Victoria Habour
Famous for its excellent view in the Peak
Famous for its electical appliances
Famous for its role of International Financial Centre
Famous for its stable weather
2007-10-17 12:30 pm
Hong Kong is famous as a shopping paradise, a fashion leader and a mixed of Western and Eastern cultures. There are also a lot of tourist attractions such as: Ocean Park, Disneyland, The Peak aswell.
2007-10-16 4:43 am
Hong kong is also famous for being a shopping paradise, a fashion leader, the great airport.

2007-10-17 11:12:40 補充:
Thanks for copying my idea wendy wong.. bad bad bad

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