Hangzhou to Shanghai Putong Airport

2007-10-15 10:27 pm
How long does it take from Hangzhou City to Shanghai Putong International Airport?

There is a Long Distance Bus Service between Hangzhou to Shanghai Putong International Airport. Could anybody advise the travel time required from HZ to SH (Putong) directly? I know that there was frequence bus service between Hangzhou (East) Bus Station and Shanghai City.

回答 (3)

2007-10-16 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案

There's a long distance bus station travel between Hangzhou to Shanghai Putong Airport, the travelling hour about 3 hours. U can take the bus in Hangzhou WongLung Tourist Centre . If u have any problem u can call the hotline021-68345743.

浦东国际机场长途客运站位于浦东国际机场候机楼停车场二楼大巴停车区南端(近收费出口),隶属上海机场(集团)有限公司。目前已开通浦东机场至浙江杭州、嘉兴、青田和江苏南京、昆山、苏州、无锡、张家港等地的长途客运班线,即将开通浦东机场至浙江义乌、宁波、绍兴、湖州的长途客运班线, 现每日发送班次50班。服务热线:021-68345743
Bus Schedule 、浦东机场-杭州黄龙旅游集散中心(黄龙路3号)
From Putong to Hanzgou 10:30、12:00、13:30、15:30、17:30、19:30)
From Hangou to Putong 07:00、08:30、10:30、12:30、14:30、16:00)


各班次发车时间 咨询电话:021-68345743


10:30, 12:00, 13:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30


11:10,13:10,16:10,18 :10


11:50, 14:50


10:30,11:30,12:30,13 :30,14:30,15:30,16:3 0,17:30,18:30,19:30


10:40, 11:20,11:50,12:50,13 :50,14:40,15:20,16:1 0,16:50,17:50,18:50, 19:40


11:20, 12:20, 13:20,14:20,15:20,16 :20,17:20,18:20


12:50,14:40,15:40,17 :40


11:20, 14:20,16:40,18:40

Ticket Selling 售票地点
There's a Long Distance Bus Station Ticketing at the SH airport, and the price is 100 per person. U can also buy the ticket from Hanghou Tourist Centre.

2007-10-15 11:40 pm
we were on a private car b4.....it's took us 2 hours fr SH --> Hangzhou. so.....the approx. travelling time wil be 2 hrs. but of cos......if u r taking buses.... u hv to add up time as they go slower than a private car.
2007-10-15 10:59 pm
You will have to take the train from Hangzhou to Shanghai train station. There are two train stations in SH city, most Hangzhou trains will now stop at the new, South Station. Anyway, it does not matter as they are both very far from Pudong Airport. After you arrive at the SH station, you can either take a taxi directly from train station to Pudong Airport, it should be about RMB180 from South Station or around RMB150 from the East Station.
Or you can take subway/metro/MTR from either station to Long Yang Station (on Line 2) and then take the super-fast Meglev train from there to Pudong Airport (it takes only 7 mins and travels at over 430km/h).
Or if you have money, you can order a car to pick you up from Hangzhou and take you to Pudong Airport, it should cost you around RMB1600!

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