
2007-10-15 8:25 pm
我打算1月初去悉尼同墨爾本旅行,想請問到時個邊天氣一般係點? 會唔會好熱、好晒、或者成日落雨架? 謝!!

回答 (2)

2007-10-15 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
January of Sydney & Melbourne is summer, so the temperature is normally 35-40C and very dry, not rain much.. So please bring sunglasses and put on sun tan lotions.
In the evening, it may cool a bit, around 20-25C and better have a jacket in case it is getting cold. Due to the time saving in Jan & Feb, it is about 9 p.m.become dark (sunset).
2007-10-16 12:16 am
澳洲同我地相反. 一月係我地既冬天, 佢地就係夏天. 仲係學校放暑假之日子 tim! 故著一般夏天我地著既衫去就得 ka la. 相比起香港, 佢地既夏天冇咁濕熱 ka. 因 Melbourne 係冇海的. 只得條河.... 故佢地熱得黎較乾. 唔會成日 chee lum lum 咁 lor 個身.

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