
2007-10-15 5:19 pm
大有無聽過有個裝置(好似話係貼紙), 裝左係個電腦屏幕到, 隔離左右d人睇唔到個屏幕d野, 可以保護私隱?如有請問咩牌子?同埋幾錢?邊度有得買?

回答 (3)

2007-10-20 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
大有無聽過有個裝置(好似話係貼紙), 裝左係個電腦屏幕到, 隔離左右d人睇唔到個屏幕d野, 可以保護私隱?
它叫 : "熒幕防窺濾鏡片"

3M (這是香港最易買到的牌子)

同埋幾錢? $3XX-5XX(12" - 19")


3M Innovation Shop

地址: 香港九龍觀塘道388號創紀之城一期一座10樓1011-13室
電話: 2304 0730
傳真: 2566 5740
電郵: [email protected]個人經驗 + weblink above
參考: 個人經驗 + weblink above
2007-10-15 6:04 pm
YES!!! I use 3M ... actually.. there have some kind of model, and size, it depend on what you want... for my using brand name, there have two type, one for LCD, one for Notebook, LCD model expensive than notebook model, even that, it also have difference the acceptable view angle... (mean how difference for other people to see it).

But I use the notebook model to stick to my LCD monitor.. I think this is what you mention...

And I use 17" and cost ask for ~$300 (sorry.., I forgot how much exactly...)

2007-10-15 5:34 pm
3m , 一塊黑色既膠片貼上去個屏幕上, 可以過濾強光,但最重要係保存私隱, 只有正面既人先見到, 個情況同櫃元機一無一樣, 用法都好easy , clean 個屏幕 去表面既塵同個屏幕既4條邊, 佢付膠紙,直接貼上就得, 清潔都好容易輕輕掃下就得~
係大間d既電腦公司就有得賣, 有分尺寸, 15-17", 19"好似都有,
科訊,偉倫同電腦場都有, (記住講價) 我年多前買$350, 現在就不知了!!
參考: myself

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