need your experience, should I do this?

2007-10-15 8:00 am
Hi, I knew a girl two weeks ago through a friend at a party...and it was all normal... I found her to be hot, but she didin't seem interested...

then a week ago she found out something about me (let's say she found out that I have a future, compared to other guys she knows)... and suddenly becomes interested in me, and wants to know me more, but I have this strong feeling that it's not because of my personality or looks...

should I start a relationship with her? I mean I think she is hot, but I feel I would have her for other reasons, and not because of me...

btw I'm very sure of every detail I listed here...

回答 (21)

2007-10-15 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should talk to her. Ask her questions about herself. See how she responds and analyze her answers. You'll find out what kind of personality she has and decide whether she's the one for you or not. Of course, if she's hot you should do something about it, but if she's just hot with no personality you're not going to get anything true out of her. The second you feel she likes you for something other than your looks and personality, is when you should realize she wants to use you. Don't fall for it. Be in control. Find out exactly what type of girl she is before you make a move.
2007-10-15 8:04 am
If she only wants you because you will soon have success, career, status, and money then she is not worth your time or energy, hun.

Just because she is hot does not mean she is worthy of your love.

You decide whether you want such a shallow relationship or not. It's not for us to decide, it's your life, and your heart that is going to get broken.

2007-10-15 8:10 am
Dude, it could be that her finding out about your future is what peaked her interest but there's nothing wrong with looking for security in a significant other. It's human nature, just the way it is yo. And just because that's what peaked her interest doesn't mean that she might not find other things about you interesting. I say give it a shot man. All that means is she values herself enough to look for a worthwhile partner. Theres a difference between smart and gold digger.
2007-10-15 8:09 am
If you obviously thought that then you are correct.
What kind of girl doesn't seem interested until the knowledge f your well future pops out?

One who is attracted to power and good fortune, barely tainted by love.

I don't want you getting hurt if you fall for this girl during a relationship with your gut calling out to you.
Because then your going to tell your ego this.
" Hey she that ain't right?!"
"dude..shes hot"
" I know but or close meanings?"
"dude you're dating a hot chick!"
"If there's someone better than me...she will..."

Next time, tell no one about your future, find a girl who will be interested in what she saw in that moment and time then the thoughts over something you're working for.

Best wishes to you, i hope you decide on the path that makes you happy.
2007-10-15 8:05 am
No. If she's interested in you for $$$(I'm assuming), that's serious bad thing number 1. If you're interested in her for her looks that's serious bad thing number 2. That's a negative 2 to start out a relationship.

It should be about mutual attraction, intelligence, and compatibility. Sounds to me like you don't have any of that, and what's worse, is that you're considering starting a relationship without finding out if those things even exist. Go find someone who will like you for you. And get away from this chick.
2007-10-15 9:04 am
Look dude, she maybe hot in your book, But you said she didn't seem interested in you before but now she is.Dude you are still nothing to her she wants what you can give her.To me she is as cold as ice and not hot as you see her.Dude as long as you got money she will be what ever you want her to be.Dude if you have any chance with her she needs to see you for you, and not how much money you can give her to see you.After your money is gone so will she be gone to find some other sucker.Dude for get her and find some one that wants you, for you and not your money.Dude I don't understand what the hot your talking about but hopefully you want to go with her. If thats it then good luck you will have to pay her to go with you, or even to be your friend.Hopefully your better then that and you see through her game.
參考: just my thoughts
2007-10-15 8:10 am
Maybe she does like your personality and your looks, but didn't want to know you at frist because she didn't want another futureless bum. If you think she is a good digger or just wants stuff from you then leave her alone. But maybe she is just tried of all these boys that live at home with mommy and she wanted to find someone to have a future with. I got tried on boys that live with thier parents at 25, so I had to find someone with looks, personality, and a future. Gotta stop living for fun and look at the bigger picture sooner or later.
2007-10-15 8:07 am
Men have intuitions too, you so may be right. Than again, men have a harder time reading woman then vice verse.

But.. you could talk to her and possibly go out and see if she asks a lot about your money or you. Observe if she offers to pay sometimes and whatever...
2007-10-15 8:08 am
maby she is interested in you now because she found something out about you but she might just want to be with a guy that is inteligent cause she is sick of all the drop kicks she's been out with. thats why she might not have seemed interested in the first place. cause she didnt know anything about you.

why not give it a go. im sure you will find out pretty quickly what she is like and what kind of person she is. but if you dont try you will never know and she may be the girl your supose to be with and you will let her slip through your fingers. just give it a go and play it cool.
2007-10-15 8:08 am
Well, I think you're just the same as the girl. You just find her 'hot'. You never mentioned anything about her personality etc... So, you're pretty much the same as the girl. Just that she sees other qualities in you other than your personality and looks.

This kind of relationship won't last because at the first place you 2 hardly know each other and you're just physically attracted to her but not emotionally. You're concerned that she's interested in you because of other things and not for you. Have you ever thought about that you're just interested in her looks and not for who she is?

You gotta think both sides sometimes...

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