French PLAYS???

2007-10-14 5:16 pm
I am supposed to do a monologue by a Fench artist at school soon. So I wanted to ask if anyone would know any good French plays?? I am looking for something really special. Whether it is about desperate love, about Paris, about anger, about despair or happiness. I would like to do something really special. So if anyone has got any suggestions, please let me know.

Merci beaucoup in advance!

回答 (2)

2007-10-14 7:11 pm
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Read Moliere. Say, Tartuffe or School for Wives. or The Imaginary Invalid.. de rien.
2007-10-15 12:30 pm
Jean Anouilh--great French dramatist...I think one is called "Saint Joan" or something similar about Joan of Arc. There are some great emotions and themes in there.

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