
2007-10-15 7:04 am
do you have any suggestion to government to improve Hong Kong economy?
plz answer in egnlish

回答 (3)

2007-10-16 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
To lower the profit tax rate and salary tax
To provide a more favourable economic environment by maintaing the policy of low invention.(不干預政策...唔記得eng岩唔岩=])
To enhance economic relationship with mainland China, for instance, better improvement in CEPA.
To lower interest rate
To maintain legal and justice in HK so as to give courage to foregin investment
2007-10-22 5:25 am
1) 維持簡單稅制和低稅
2) 減少政府開支
3) 奉行積極不干預政策
4) 精簡法例
5) 吸引人材和資金來港
6) 保育歷史建築以增加旅遊業的吸引力
2007-10-15 7:18 am
The retention historical relics make the scenic site

中文解釋: 保留歷史文物作旅遊景點



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