寫Love Letter信

2007-10-15 6:08 am
me mouth the words he reads following as his finger traces them.
'Dear Rodger l love you love from Alison.'
He looks up and l can read nothing in his eyes,' b picks up his pencil, shields paper with his arm. l pray Miss Forshaw isn't looking. the folder note begins its journey -Godfrey -Colin-John-Carol- l wrench it open,desperate to know.
'Dear Alison There is open,desperate to know. By Alison Chisholm
如果你係個女仔,你會點回信 用英文寫 急~~明天要

回答 (1)

2007-10-15 6:13 am
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Dear Alison,

I love you so much!!

By Rodger

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