
2007-10-15 5:43 am

回答 (2)

2007-10-18 10:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
如你是用屋企的電腦上網就推介你用 RoboForm 這個軟件,可用作密碼產生,不需用 keyboard 打入(防止被紀錄)、有多國語言(支援繁體中文).......等(本人正使用,超好用!)
另外,如果你是在家以外地方使用電腦上網做交易的話,則推介你去買一只有 U3 的 Flash Drive (推介你買 SanDisk 這個品牌,因內裡已包含了 RoboForm 這個軟件及一個防毒軟件 Avast!),之後就等如你個人有了一個隨身的電腦一樣(不怕自已的資料外洩!),你試試就知道有多好用了(因口講無憑,自已親試最實際!)

2007-10-18 02:16:39 補充:
本人也是使用此軟 / 硬件於網上作銀行交易!
2007-10-15 6:33 pm
NO 100% ...

First, you should set firewall, and security, and set your IE don't save password and have to input password everytime (some ppls save password for yahoo & MSN exactly for easy to get login). Anti Virus software, and don't go any unknow web pages, don't download some BAR for your IE., avoid download some illegal song or movie.

Such as HSBC, they will also have their own security code everytime.. if you use HSBC, I think this is more safety...

Once again,, nothing is 100%.. beware your using computer prastice.

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