Do you like english,why?

2007-10-15 3:22 am
told me

回答 (6)

2007-10-15 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like english because english is an international language.
By learning english, I can make friends in other countries.
Also, english is an absolutely important median as it is an official language of HKSAR.
Learning english can help me to get a better job rather than learning chinese only.
2007-10-15 3:33 am
2007-10-15 3:33 am
If you know English, you can read English newspaper, books and also can communicate with foreigners. Don't you find embarrassing if somebody talk to you in English and you don't understand?
2007-10-15 3:29 am
No,i don't like english because i like chinese more than engish.
2007-10-15 3:28 am
yes,it is good
2007-10-15 3:27 am
I like English because by learning English I can point out the others' grammer mistakes like yours....

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