been working my ass off

2007-10-15 2:35 am
been working my ass off

回答 (2)

2007-10-15 1:54 pm
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I have been working my ass/butt off 是美國人常用的 expression﹐"ass" 是解“屁股”.這句話意思是我忙得要死/我忙得屁股快掉下來。注意這句話的言詞非常粗俗 (vulgar language)﹐不可用作書面語或跟長輩/僱主說話。

另一美國粗俗例子是 "She is a pain in the ass.", 字面解作 "她是屁股疼痛"。"實際意思是 "她是一個非常麻煩,難頂的人/臭四。"
參考: Myself . 我住在美國
2007-10-15 3:38 am
been working my ass off means that you have been working very very hard so hard that you did not got any rest so that your bottom falls off.

like in cantonese.. you have time to die but no time to get sick..

2007-10-14 19:39:53 補充:
in other words: you've been really busy.

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