請幫我翻譯中to英 ......

2007-10-15 1:36 am
我想知道以下字的英文. thanks
1. 區議會
2. 自由黨
3. 民主黨
4. 民建聯
5. 公民黨
6. 施政佈告
7. 文化大革命

回答 (5)

2007-10-17 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.District Council
2.Liberal Party
3.Democratic Party
4.Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong
5.Civic Party
6.Policy Address
7.Cultural revolution (?!?!) 呢個我唔肯定.我自己譯的 =_=

2007-10-16 22:26:54 補充:
對唔住. 係 Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong少左個the =P
2007-10-15 2:02 am
6. administration notices <--------一定係錯!!! 係 Policy Address!!!!!
參考: 報紙大大隻字-.-
2007-10-15 1:45 am
1). areas parliaments
2). Liberal Party
3). Democratic Party
4). National Reconstruction Association association
5). citizens parties
6). administration notices
7). Great Cultural Revolution
參考: me know
2007-10-15 1:42 am
1. Area parliament
2. The liberal party
3. Democratic Party
4. Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong
5. Citizen party
6. Administer an announcement
7. Cultural Revolution
2007-10-15 1:41 am
1. areas parliaments
2. Liberal Party
3. Democratic Party
4. National Reconstruction Association association
5. citizens parties
6. administration notices
7. Great Cultural Revolution
參考: ME!!=]

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