番譯句子to 英文

2007-10-15 1:15 am
6}由於那天是teacher's day,so我特意叫自己盡量用英文來說話.


回答 (2)

2007-10-15 1:59 am
1) When I had saw this topic, I remembered something.
2)In that morning, my mother gave me a bag and asked me to give it to my class teacher
3) Inside the bag there were a card and a present which was wrapped already.
4) I took the card out to see what it was about. Actually, it was a thank you card for the teacher
5) As I just entered an ENI school, many things were too new to me and I couldn't get use to them so soon. That was why my classmates and I always talked with each other in Cantonese.
6) Since that day was teacher's day, so I tried my best to speak in English advisedly.

2007-10-14 18:04:17 補充:
可信性極低 不建議採用 只作個人練習
2007-10-15 1:55 am
1} as soon as saw this title, I have remembered a matter
2} that day-long early morning, my mother bag and is called me to give me the teacher in charge for me
3} in that bag of surface, the gift and a card which some already wraps securely
4} I open have a look, originally is gives Mr.'s/Mrs.'s thanks card.
5} because I just rose English middle school, all were not too the custom, therefore the schoolmates converse after the commonly used Cantonese
6} because that day is teacher's day, so I specially call oneself to use English to speak as far as possible
參考: 轉左啦!!!=]

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