
2007-10-14 10:52 pm
If everyone has a demand, the application form can go to Human Resources Office to obtain. The applicant must fill in application form; one the type is 3, handing over back together with the following document: (a) Applicant identity card clear statement piece the duplicate (b) Beneficiary identity card clear statement piece the duplicate (c) The address proves. Also before October 23, 2007, hand over to return us.

回答 (1)

2007-10-14 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我唔係好明你果句a & b 入面個"piece the duplicate....anyway, u check 下得唔得..and if 如果你公司有外籍人士...咁你就要寫埋passport 係identity card 後面

Date: 15-Oct-2007

INTERNAL MEMO: xxxxxxxxxxx (write down the purpose)

Application form can be obtained at Human Resources Department for any interested parties. Applicants are required to submit the application form with the following required documents:-

a) 1 Photocopy of applicant's identity card,
b) 1 Photocopy of beneficiary's identity card,
c) a proof of residential address for verification.

Please submit all these necessary documents to the collection box at HR department on or before 23-Oct-2007.

Any questions, please feel free to contact xxxx or email to xxxxx.

Yours sincerely,

2007-10-14 22:33:49 補充:
唔一定要用point form既....但係MEMO既用處係俾人直接易明,所以point form係格式上會俾人易睇D...
參考: myself

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