English writing 2

2007-10-14 5:16 pm
If you could have a special power, what could you choose?

I would choose the power which can controls the time. Because of I have many regrets in my life. If I could control the time, I would back to the past and correct the mistakes made by humans. Maybe, I could be the hero who stops the world war! Also, I could have more time to understand the world and read the books which only can be found in the past.

The most amazing thing is I could go to the future and see how future is like. I really want to know if the Apocalypse is true.


I mean I want you to mark it = =


I mean I want you to correct my work, not to translate it = = 是修改, 不是翻譯


thx ellylam38 ^ ^ In fact, my English standard is really.... T T


http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007101403798 ^ if you have tim, please help me to correct it ^ ^

回答 (3)

2007-10-14 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you had a special power, what would you choose?

I would choose the power which can control the time. It is because I have many regrets in my life. If I could control the time, I would back to the past and correct the mistakes made by human. Maybe, I could be the hero who stops the world war! Also, I could have more time to understand the world and read the books which only can be found in the past.

The most amazing thing is that I could go to the future and see how the future is like. I really want to know if the Apocalypse is true.

your grammer and usage are quite good~work hard~
2007-10-14 6:19 pm

我將選擇能控制時間的權力。 因為我在我的生活過程中有很多歉意。 如果我能控制時間,我將對過去回來並且改正人犯的錯誤。 或許,我可能是停止世界大戰的英雄﹗ 此外,我能有更多的時間理解世界並且讀只過去可能被發現的那些書。
參考: Dr.eye
2007-10-14 5:34 pm
如果你有一種特別既能力, 你會選擇咩呢??

我會選擇果科能力係控制時間. 因為我有好多後悔既事係我人生當中. 如果我可以控制時間, 我會返番去之前同改變人類之前既錯誤. 這樣我可能會係停止世界戰爭既勇士. 還有, 我可以有更多既時黎明白呢個世界同睇更多依家已經失去既書.
最驚訝既事係我可以去將來同知道將來會係點. 我真係好想知道 世界係咪真係會未日

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