
2007-10-14 3:26 pm
有鑽石好定冇鑽石好? 諗住日日戴咖
d朋友成日話有石既款少d 冇石d款靚d
其實我地結左婚咖啦 不過一直係呢個問題上停左未買
佢亦都冇時間去睇 我亦都唔想自己一個去決定一齊戴上手既野
我怕佢會唔鍾意我揀既款嘛 通常結婚介子有石好定冇石好??

回答 (2)

2007-10-16 3:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
結婚介子, 一齊買会好D因為一齊戴. 佢無時間咪比相佢囉!
無石可能 '會齋D' 但係平實.
有石会靚D但係会有 '唔見石' 嘅危機 (我朋友試過, 揾唔翻粒石, 老婆嬲咗好耐)
2007-10-14 3:41 pm
It really depends on your need and your feelings towards to this.
I had two. One for engagement and one for my wedding.
For my engagement, I had a heavy-weight, a tiffany two-carat ring. (I can imagine my lo-kung saving very hard to buy me this).
For my wedding, I just had a simple band because my lo-kung wants to wear it very day so for practical reasons, we went for a simple one.
I dont usually wear the one with stones because I am afraid if I loose it, I would not know what to do. On top of that, I am also afraid to scratch it. I only wear it on important occasions. I feel safer to wear my wedding band almost everyday because it does not get it the way. I can wear it to work, to the supermarket to buy goods, to shop...to anything.
In short, if you buy one with a band with stones, the tendancy to wear it becomes less. Also, my best friend lost her stone whilst taking the MTR and only went back to the office with the ring, the claw and the stone missing. It is not the value of the stone but the meaning that counts, right? She was so heartbroken...because of this, I choose the above alternative.
As for choosing the bands, I went by myself and choose the stuff I like first because my lo-kung is busy. Later, when he is freer, we went to buy them together to save both ourselves time.
Good luck and may God bless both of you on your marriage.

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