
2007-10-14 1:03 pm

回答 (2)

2007-10-14 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-10-19 6:57 am
Steven first two paragraphs are good, but the third one do not anwer much.

金日成 attack the South Korea first on 25thJune, 1950. At first, his army captured Sourl in 3 days. At the same time, USA suggest to help South Korean in the United Nation. During the votes in United Nation, United Nation passed the suggest and formed an Army to help South Korea, but this troops mainly were American and they cannot passed the 38th parallel.Although the United Nation help, they south Korea still losing the battle and left the only city, 釜山. on 8th June, generalDouglas MacArthur (麥克阿瑟) meet in Tokyo with other officer and talk about his plane-- the landing of Incheon (仁川登陸). after the landing the United Nation Force captured Sourl fast and push back to the 38th parallel. over here, the Force should be stopped over here, but MacArthur still want to push into the North Korea. Under the USA president, Truman, permision, the United Forced push the North Korean Amry to YaLi river (鴨綠江). At the same time, the Chinese army which called 中國人民志願軍. After the chinese help the North Korea, the United Nation force lost and retreat back to 38th parallel. During this time,MacArthur want the America used the nuclear weapon on china to win the war, but the Truman wont accept and changed another General. At last, both side wont want to war, so they sign the apeacement and the 38th parallel separate the North and South Korea.

hope i can help u

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