
2007-10-14 8:21 am
小弟下個禮拜Chemistry Test,雖然把書都溫好了....但總是覺得在Physical Changes & Chemcial Change方面有點問題....

各位可以列一些日常會遇到,見到的Physical Change & Chemcial Change 例子麼?(並加以說明)


其實我想知到一些日常的例子,例如: Lemon Tea + 牛奶 = Chemical Change( 因為 Lemon Tea 中的 xxx substance + Milk xxx substance formed xxx) Water + Sand = Physical Change ( Becoz no new substance formed)

回答 (2)

2007-10-14 9:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Physical change係表面既變化,,有顏色/氣味/溫度變化,,boiling/melting point ..etc

Chemical change係兩種野(eg. elements/compound)mix埋一齊

例如test for water,,
有時會用copper(II) sulphate黎試,,
equation: CuSO4 + nH2O --> CuSO4.nH2O

(nH2O個n refers to the number of water molecules)

CuSO4.nH2O呢隻叫hydrated salt水合鹽,,
[[ water加copper(II) sulphate生成hydrated salt ]],,
呢個係chemical change

water有時都可以用dry cobalt(II) chloride paper黎試,,
[[ the paper changes from blue to pink ]]
呢個就叫physical change


2007-10-16 20:53:48 補充:
任你諗幾多日常例子都係咁,,唔明就唔明架啦..你記住解釋就ok了,,最簡單咪Physical change唔會mix出一種新既野,,Chemical change相反,,會mix出一種新既野,,咁就ok啦...
參考: myself
2007-10-14 7:06 pm
通常test問你咩叫physical change 同chemical change
除非叫你寫essay (但係essay會唔會問D咁簡單既呢-.-?)
我諗你問得呢條問題都係中四 or 中三 應該未洗寫住既
但係你咁問 我咁答啦

Physical change, no new substance is formed.
eg, the boiling of water is a physical change
以上既例子 只係改變左個state 都係H2O 冇new substance is formed

Chemical changem, one or more new substances are formed.
The electrolysis(電解)of water is a chemical change,
Two new substance, hydrogen gas and oxygen gas are produced in the process.

我建議你背左兩段既topic sentence 已經好夠

2007-10-16 00:23:32 補充:
仲未夠日常=.=?the boiling of water is a physical change

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