What is the best digital camera to buy for a family?

2007-10-14 3:55 am
We are looking to buy a new digital camera. We mostly want to take excellent family photos. We want something that is eaasy to use, but take excellent photos!

回答 (7)

2007-10-14 4:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Probably a sturdy camera since every one in the household won't treat camera like a work of art.
Don't know how sturdy this camera is but has useful features.
The Canon PowerShot A710 IS, 7 megapixels,6X optical zoom, has manual controls plus image stabilizer.
Another excellent choice of mine would be Canon PowerShot A630. 4X optical zoom, 8 megapixels and has manual controls. Both cameras are very good on AA rechargeable batteries.
Another, and one I own would be Fujifilm Finepix E900. 4X optical zoom, 9 megapixels. Has manual controls and just as the 2 Canons, very good on battery life.
2016-05-22 7:44 pm
I would get a digital camera because it's smaller and some can take mini videos. Also it's more fun to set up photo albums then watch hardly EVER watched videos from a camcorder. Plus when you have a photo album you can always look in there when your bored and remember all the special moments that your family or you and your family spent!
2007-10-18 12:50 am
The Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX3. It's a great camera all around. It's under $200 and worth every penny.
2007-10-14 6:37 am
Try going for around 6-7 MP. 4x OPTICAL zoom. Never go for digital zoom. And another thing, try as much as you can to get a camera with Image Stabalization. Go for optical not digital stabalization. Only brands like Canon and Nikon use the lens shift image stabalization not like Fujifilm using ISO boost. This helps to detect hand movement. And another thing, try to get one with aperture with atleast f/2.8 and nothing higher than that (for starting number). Try to get one using SD card. And also, get one with a viewfinder cause its very useful when your battery is low and i bet your kids will love using it.

Hope this helps.
2007-10-14 4:51 am
I'll vote with Vintage Music on the Canon A630. Just don't tell any young ones about the flip out LCD so they don't break it off! My brother has one and loves it. My son has the A620 and it's a great camera, too.

Canon A630: http://www.steves-digicams.com/2006_reviews/a630.html
2007-10-14 4:06 am
A Sony or a Kodak
that's what i have
2007-10-14 4:06 am
most ps cameras are pretty to use. do you have any price range, pixel, zoom or size you especially want?

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