
2007-10-14 5:42 am
On the other hand are details of coverage and benefits of the insurance scheme. That mean, when guarantor misery was unfortunate events happen to them, provide economic aid for the family members, such as accident and disease etc....to constitute leave human time. This can avoid misery dying, influencing family members to maintain normal living of ability. The main category includes: Lifelong insurance, periodical insurance, saving insurance, disease insurance, maim insurance etc.

這是商業英語,假設公司要發memo比員工.. body係未應該咁寫?會唔會太直接? 字眼合適嗎?請幫我改改~

回答 (1)

2007-10-14 3:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
On the other hand, below are details of the coverage and benefits of the insurance scheme. That means, when any unfortunate event,such as accident and disease etc., happens to the policy holder, the scheme will provide economic aid for the family members. This can avoid the misery of the policy holder resulting in family members unable to maintain normal living standard. The main categories include life insurance, [periodical insurance,] life insurance with saving option, medical insurance, handicap insurance etc.
1. , ....to constitute leave human time - not quite understood, omitted
2. periodical insurance - not quite understood, consider the following possibility:
- life insurance at a fixed period

2007-10-14 07:19:20 補充:
handicap insurance -- better change to accidental insurance

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:12:33
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