我想要1份 news 係 related to science

2007-10-14 2:55 am
唔該我想要1份 news 關於 science 既..
唔該快d牙!!! 我要做 news cut 牙!
可以係 global warming , greenhouse effect ,, 恐龍 , etc

回答 (2)

2007-10-14 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Greens push Tsang to get serious on global warming
(STANDARD) 10月 03日 星期三 05:30AM
Green activists tried to push climate change on to the chief executive's agenda yesterday by dressing up as trees and attempting to enter Government House.

Eight Greenpeace activists tried to meet Donald Tsang Yam-kuen to demand a comprehensive strategy to fight global warming in his upcoming policy address.

After Tsang's office failed to receive the protesters, they tied a letter in front of a tree at Government House and left peacefully. The action was aimed at criticizing Tsang's pledge at the recent Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Australia to plant 11 million trees to combat global warming.

Greenpeace said this lags far behind the Beijing government's policy pace and tarnishes Hong Kong's international image.

"Mr Tsang can only cite planting trees as an example against climate change in an international conference. This provides clear evidence that his effort against global warming is too little," Greenpeace's climate and energy campaigner Frances Yeung said.

Greenpeace estimates that if planting trees is the only way to tackle global warming, Hong Kong will have to plant two billion trees on an area equivalent to a double of its size.

Yeung urged the government to establish broad strategies to cope with global warming, including developing renewable energy, saving energy, as well as boosting energy efficiency. The policy address should include Greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets; an overall Hong Kong energy saving target; and an amendment to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance.
2007-10-14 7:17 am
Y2 | Young Post | By Delia School of Canada 2007-10-04

Question of the week

Yes, with technology progressing at an incredible pace, it won't be long before we get to live on another planet. Taken into account how wasteful humans can be, we'd probably dump our poor, polluted planet and move on the first chance we get!It sounds like science fiction today, but it may well be a reality tomorrow. With pollution and global warming becoming grim realities, another planet to live on and avoiding the mistakes we made on Earth may be the only option available. Enceladus may be suitable because there's water.Earth is certainly getting too full of humans! If we develop useful technology, instead of wasting time and resources fighting wars, it is quite likely that humans will eventually live on other planets. But the climates on those planets will be so different that life would be completely unlike that on Earth.
參考: Wisenew

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