
2007-10-14 1:12 am

回答 (4)

2007-10-14 1:22 am
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沒有。 貝多芬的戀愛史並不如意,雖然不少女士仰慕他,被他吸引,而貝多芬也絕不拒絕愛情的來臨,但他始終維持獨身。1800年,貝多芬曾任女伯爵的鋼琴教師,愛上了這位十七歲的學生。貝多芬在1801年,把寫成的《月光曲》獻給她,並向她求婚。他自己認為:「她並非不肯接受我。」不過,她的父親堅決反對這婚事。他認為貝多芬並無工作、恆產,也無固定職業。姬利達結果遵從父親的意願,嫁給了一位貴族。貝多芬悲憤地說:「她愛我遠遠超過愛她的丈夫。」他過了四十歲,還在尋覓妻子。1810年,他戀上瑪法提,展開熱烈追求。平時不修邊幅的他,其時卻多打扮,穿新衣服,顯得漂亮瀟洒起來。不幸,她始終無動於衷,他惟有失望地繼續單身生活。同年,譜成《愛格蒙特序曲》。1827年 三月二十六日,逝世,享年五十七歲。
2007-10-17 11:27 pm
no..so sad
2007-10-14 6:56 pm
Ludwig van Beethoven had no wife.

Yet, he composed a song "Fur Elise" (German for For Elise), written approximately in 1810, originally titled his work "Für Therese". Therese being Therese Malfatti von Rohrenbach zu Dezza (1792-1851), whom Beethoven intended to marry in 1810. However, she declined Beethoven's proposal. In 1816 Therese Malfatti, who was the daughter of the Viennese merchant Jacob Malfatti von Rohrenbach (1769-1829), married the Austrian nobleman and state official Wilhelm von Droßdik (1771-1859). When the work was published in 1865, the discoverer of the piece Ludwig Nohl mistranscribed the title as "Für Elise". The autograph is lost.
2007-10-14 1:32 am
貝多芬(LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVONEN)沒有老婆,但曾經幾次fell in love...

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