General Binominal Theorem

2007-10-13 9:02 pm
1. (a) Expand (1+x)^(2/3) in ascendin powers of x as far as the term containing x^3 for -1<1
(b) Using the expansion in (a), find the values of 81^(1/3)correct to 4 significant figures

2. (a) Expand (1-2x)^(1/3) in ascending powers of x as far as the term in x^3
(b) By taking x =1/8, evaluate 6^(1/3) correct to 2 decimal places using the expansion in (a)

回答 (1)

2007-10-14 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Newton's generalized binomial theorem states that
(x+y)^n = sum k from 0 to infinity (Ck . x^k . y^(n-k) )
where Ck=n(n-1)...(n-k+1)/k!

So applying the formula,
= 1 + (2/3)x + (2/3)(-1/3)/2! x^2 + (2/3)(-1/3)(-4/3)/3! x^3 + ...
= 1 + (2/3)x - (1/9)x^2 + (4/81)x^3 + ...

Put x=1/8
= 11215/10368
Therefore the approximate value of
~= 4*11215/10368
=4.327 (to three decimals)
4.327^3=81.014 OK

Question #2 is very similar to #1, and I am sure you would be capable to try it out as an exercise. If you have problems, post what you have done and we will take it from there.

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