what is caterpillar

2007-10-13 7:48 pm
what is caterpillar

回答 (4)

2007-10-13 7:54 pm
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卡特彼勒1925年由美國加利福尼亞州的Holt Manufacturing Company和美國加利福尼亞州的C. L. Best Gas TractionCompany的合併而設立。Holt Manufacturing公司,是1904年在世界第一次產品化了履帶式卡車類型(履帶子式)的企業,Caterpillar是履帶tractor的商標持有人。
卡特彼勒卡特彼勒公司的歷史可以追溯到19世紀,不過剛創業的時候的Holt Manufacturing Company和,C. L. Best Gas TractionCompany還進行著蒸氣式的tractor的製造。Holt Manufacturing Company不僅僅只是履帶子式tractor(Track Type Tractor)gasoline engine的開發製造,之後合併後的公司對產品的汽油引擎進行改造,向更效率好的柴油機轉移。該公司經過多的變化,以其他美國大公司一樣收益於第二次世界大戰的恩惠,戰爭結束後也持續了增長。最初的海外事業是於1950年開始,履帶公司開始做作為國際企業被發展。
公司的產品,從卡車·類型·tractor,水中挖掘機,背部西式鋤(油壓掘土機),壓路機,不平整的地基卡車,wheel loader,農業拖拉機,狄塞爾再到天然gas engine,燃氣輪機波及。這些的機器,由於建設,道路工程,採礦,林業,發電,運輸和素材加工產業被利用。
卡特彼勒公司的產品,對世界的歷史帶來過影響。履帶拖拉機,對在第一次世界大戰採用了的初期的軍用坦克帶來了影響。很多這些的機器如Hoover dam被用於英國海峽底海底隧道的挖掘,其他的機器被用於在德國的柏林圍牆拆除和城市的建設,對美國周邊國帶來了巨大的影響。
卡特彼勒公司,在工商管理權威的Tom Peters先生1982年的暢銷書「In Search of Excellence」中,作為「優秀」的公司之一被舉出。
2007-10-14 9:14 am
1. 毛蟲,蠋(蝶、蛾的幼蟲)
2. 履帶牽引車(諸如坦克之類)
3. 履帶車

名複: caterpillars
2007-10-14 4:35 am
1. 毛蟲,蠋(蝶、蛾的幼蟲)
2. 履帶牽引車(諸如坦克之類)
3. 履帶車

名複: caterpillars
2007-10-13 8:27 pm
Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies and moths. Many are major pests but several merely make us curious as to what they are doing. There are many types of caterpillars and they feed in or on a broad array of trees and shrubs. Some are simple leaf feeders and others bore in tips or are leafminers (see leafminer section). Most feeding by caterpillars takes place in the later instars as they approach maturity. Small caterpillars are easier to control.

Geometrid larva : Measuring worms or canker worms, geometrids, feed on a wide array of plants. They are like loopers but only have one pair of prolegs on the abdomen. Many are colored like their background and are difficult to see.

Mourning cloak butterfly adult : These are one of the first butterflies out in spring. Their black wings with the yellow stripe make them quite distinctive.

Mourning cloak butterfly larva: The caterpillar of the mouring cloak is black and has branched black spines with orange spots on top and orange legs. They feed on willows, elms, and poplars.

Dagger moth larva : These caterpillars are easy to distinguish with their thick coat of white or light yellow hair and black pencils of hair. They feed on willow, apple, boxelder, maple,and oak.

Swallowtail butterfly adult : Swallowtail butterflies are beautiful and easy to tell with their yellow and black color and the long "tail" on the end of the hindwing.

Swallowtail larva : Swallowtail caterpillars are brightly colored and the western swallowtail is pale green with brown head and small orange tubercles. They have a pair of retractable orange scent glands just behind the head. Swallowtails can feed on any rosacious plant, alder, willows, fruit trees, etc. depending on species.

** to be cont's

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