我想問如果我破產,我的物業給銀行,我有什麼要做?(10 Marks)

2007-10-13 10:16 am
If i have a property in hk, but i became bankrupt and the bank took posession of the flat, suject to the existing tenance, and what statutory compliance obligations should i do?

回答 (2)

2007-10-19 10:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
我係破產過來人 想分享下我的經營去我的破產網誌"一起走過欠債及破產之路"都睇下
內有好多有關欠債及破產資料 還在不停更新中,謝謝。

2007-10-14 4:30 am
Just keep the legal document or bank document for the property and submit to the Offical Receiver Office.

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