what do most girls like more?

2007-10-13 12:14 am
what do most girls like more thin ?normal?,or body built,tall or average? bold or with spikes on hair?,And secondary clothes do they really matter is it the smart look you go for more ?or the loose look,a mans look or a childs look.a hard type or the easy type going. I personally like a girl either my hight or a little shorter petite,and tbh o beautifull girl is beautifull with almost anything she wears,You will be noticed ,

回答 (20)

2007-10-13 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Okay... This is going to be a shallow topic! lol... Anyway I am shallow!!! hahaha so who cares! I'm going to be really specific on guys I like on here.. haha... I don't care! judge me all you want!!! =P

I'm 5'3", 5'4" so, i'm short!!! Not interested in guys that are shorter than me. Guys who are from 5'6" - 5'11" will be fine. Just don't be so tall when it comes to kissing I need to grab a stool and stand on it.

He definitely can't be skinny. It'll make me feel I'm fatter than he is. Doesn't have to be a body built that has massive huge muscles!!! That's just nasty to me... Doesn't really have to have to a 6 pack or even a 4 pack... Nice chest.. healthy.. just looks ripped, broad shoulders. Gotta have a nice smile.. Overall features gotta match up his face shape.

Hair... Bold is a NONO!!! I can't deal with guys have no hair... if a man is at the age like my grandfather then I won't have a problem with it but if he's bold like Vin Diesel bold, turn off for me. If he wants his hair short I prefer hair like Wentworth Miller (Prison Break) or Justin Timberlake. That's the shortest he can get. Pretty much like military hairstyle.. I'm fine with other hairstyles as long as it suits his face shape and he knows how to style it. But hair that's long and makes him look like a girl from behind, it's a no no...

Clothes... Carpenter jeans are a BIG NO!!! Unless he is a carpenter and he needs it for work ONLY! Baggy jeans.. I hate them... Because it comes off and shows his boxers, then he has to pull up his baggy jeans time to time.. BIG NO on that... So, a pair of nice jeans, shirt, t-shirt, surfer shorts, wife beaters or a suit is alright to me as long as he knows his size and it fits well... It's fine guys wear Pink shirts! It's not GAY at all... Cologne, doesn't matter... If he puts cologne on as long as it smells refreshing and not stink!

Guys like to built his car etc..have grease on his hands and face are sexy! also, sweat too!!! It's good to look at but not good when he'll come up and hugs you...

Personality... easy going, talk, open, compliments, can be a dork when he has his moments, sense of humor, smart, confident, be a man when he needs to, organized, sweet, takes care of himself, definitely shave!!! I don't like guys unshaved. Clean looks, gentlemen.

Big Bonus... If a guy knows how to cook, iron his clothes, do laundry, how he deals with kids, treat his family & knows how to fix things around the house..
2007-10-14 11:26 pm

Girls have their different tastes for men. So this question cannot be a straight lined answer. Variety, they say is the spice of life!

For me, he must be attractive, maybe a fine built, cute eyes, white set teeth, nice complexion, whatever... he must be considerate of others, generous, full of life-adventurous,God-fearing, associable and men the list can go on... just be open. One who is not ashamed to say " Men, I f***ed UP. and we both work things out together. Allow the wind of life and love blow thru our lives and listen to Phil Colins "Why can't we wait till morning" And go to the islands for complete fun and relaxation, away from the hussles.
2007-10-13 12:27 am
I like normal looking guys and I don't care about muscles or anything. I thinks its hot if you have them and still hot if you don't.I
like it when guys wear like.......jeans and a T-shirt or something normal. Not too much cologne because too much axe or something like that doesn't attract girls, it repels them. I like guys that are pretty smart with a sense of humor too. I like easy-going guys. Also, we don't like it when guys wear pants that show their underwear. It's DISGUSTING! We don't have those sexy-feelings like you because we're different than you.We're girls for peeps sake!

參考: Myself!
2007-10-13 12:26 am
i personally prefer--- guys that arent thin, i like tall guys (cuz im 5'10 myself) i dont really care about hair, as long its not greasy r something... i like guys that have the cali surfer look, but the skater look i rly like too... i like most of all NICE GUYS, but they cant be awkward! thts a major negative fr me.. i like easy going guys, and funny guys! a guy that can make u laugh and can keep a conversation going is invaluable! nd all girls appreciate tht! but mostly it depends on the girl, everybody has their own preferences, so dont sweat it, somewhere u r somebodys perfect 'type'!!!
參考: Chick
2007-10-13 12:24 am
I like normal size, tall or taller than me at least, muscle but not huge. clothes don't matter too much but they are a plus/ I go for the skater/punk look.spikes are fine but i like longer hair but not too long. and as for his look i just like him to look his age definantly not a childs look though. easy going.
2007-10-13 12:23 am
body-average Hair-dark and wavey Clothes-loose look nice bedroom eyes. easy going personality
2007-10-13 12:23 am
we like physically someone taller than ourselves and cute. someone that is clean and takes care of themselves. more important is their personality and the way they treat girls. I just got some of the dumbest answers on my question about guys which proves that some guys are just bonebrains. we really hate guys like that!
2007-10-13 12:22 am
i like a guy with not medium hain, tall, (im the 4 tallest girl in my school, so zat isent the way all girls think) i also hate it when guys are phony, and flirt w/ other girls. be urself, and dont drool. (it is not hot when boys drool. to frank.) good luck!

2007-10-13 12:21 am
I like...

-normal- body build (thins gross, sorry)
-tall or average as long as he's taller than me
-No bold hair, no die just soft clean none oily hair
-Smarter looking clothes, no hanging of the bottom. Also they have to be clean not worn for 5 days straight.
-Funny relaxed (because I'm uptight and serious) calm in general smart
2007-10-13 12:19 am
not all girls like the same kind of guys. we're all different, there's no one type of guy that every single girl wants...that's why men have to be themselves. The right girl will like you the way you are.

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