Canon A570 camera any good?

2007-10-12 5:12 pm
Does anyone have knowledge of this camera or know where I can find professional reviews of it? I am especially interested in battery life too.

回答 (5)

2007-10-13 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
TomTom chose the A570 after researching for other people here for several months after it came out. That's close to a professional review as far as I'm concerned, but see:

Canon A570-IS:
2007-10-12 10:05 pm
go to yahoo search
type canon a570 review
2007-10-12 8:08 pm always give good reviews. try that
2007-10-12 5:22 pm
I always go to the same website for reviews. I worked at Best Buy a little while ago and we sold a lot of them and never had any returns to my knowledge. I'd say go for it!

That is for your camera.
2007-10-12 5:19 pm
400 shots CIPA standard with lcd on 2500mah battery

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