Is It True That IS only helps by 1 f-stop? (1 f-stop = f/0.2) If Not, What Is?

2007-10-12 2:24 pm

回答 (5)

2007-10-13 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
IS or VR in the camera body only helps by about 2-3 stops, though I've also read that 1 f-stop number you quoted. IS or VR in the lens helps by 3 to 4. I just know that I can handhold my Nikon 18-200mm VR at 1/4 second with excellent results.

Here's a quote for Popular Photography. Look carefully at the chart on the rightside of page #2..
"So far, lens-based IS has the lead, with one Nikon VR lens logging a 3- to 4-stop improvement (a few big tele zooms barely reached 2 stops). In contrast, the best result from a sensor-shift DSLR is 2 to 3 stops, with the average closer to 2 stops. "
參考: Amateur & professional photographer for 45+ years
2007-10-12 9:53 pm
usually up to 3 stops
it depends on the camera
2007-10-13 1:29 pm
Thank you George. :-)

Most lens-based IS is good for at least 2-3 stops, but don't think of that as an f-stop improvement. Think of it as a shutter speed improvement. You are able to use a lower shutter speed, but the f-stops available to you will obviously be no different than they are without "IS."
2007-10-12 10:43 pm
Tom Tom is correct.

You are wrong. A full (one) stop is f2 to f2.8 to f4 or 1/125 to 1/60 to 1/30 or 1/125 to 1/250 to 1/500 - at a constant ISO.
2007-10-12 11:41 pm
how does IS have anything to do with stop?

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