How do you protect your family and yourself from germs?

2007-10-12 8:39 am

回答 (221)

2007-10-30 12:48 am
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Hi look you can only protect the family and yourself to a certain degree from germs in our society.
1. Making sure you wash hands before touching food in any way.
2, Wash vegetables/fruit before cooking and eating
3.Making sure all kitchen utensils are kept clean and rinsed before using.
4. Try as much as possible when out and about to refrain from rubbing eyes or touching nose/mouth with soiled hands from coming in contact with shopping trolleys or most things that public use.
5. Thoroughly wash hands after going to toilet no matter what for, use hand dryers or make sure paper towels used.
6.Change underwear daily, when washing laundry using good detergent
7. Keep house dust/dirt free as much as possible especially if pets in family then all above do apply regarding washing hands /face etc.
8, When cooking to make sure no cross contamination takes place when preparing meat/poultry etc so as fresh vegetables etc do not become tainted ,make sure game /poultry well cooked etc etc etc
9. Drink as fresh as water as possible along with eating fresh food anything ,commonsense plays a part...

The list is endless but using hand cremes that are anti bacterial help but then again we can't be too pristine I feel ciao ♥
參考: House proud Parent
2008-01-10 4:30 am
First of all one should be wary of "Germ Phobia." Microorganisms live all around and among us. Most of them are not harmful.

To fight off those harmful microorganisms, simple sanitation and common sense are a great defense. Wash your hands before eating or preparing food, putting in or removing contacts, or dressing wounds. Steer clear of raw meat, uncooked eggs, and questionably aged fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Keep your countertops and floors clean.

One helpful hint about the eggs is not to store them in the door of the refrigerator. Doing this exposes the eggs to room temperatures every time the door is opened. This will cause the eggs to go bad faster.

As far as antibacterial, antimicrobial, and disinfectant soaps and cleaners, these are mostly commercial ploys. There is no clinical benefit to using antibacterial or antimicrobial soaps. Any microorganisms killed by such soaps will be replaced momentarily by thousands more. Regular soap and water do a fine job of removing harmful bacteria that might be on your hands

Disinfectant cleaners are definitely effective in killing harmful germs, especially in the kitchen where food is often handled. However, overuse can be dangerous. Ingestion of disinfectants is harmful to the human body.

One thing that brings "Germ Phobia" into full force is young children. Their undeveloped immune systems and tendencies to stick their hands in their mouths can drive parents into a germ fighting frenzy. This germ craze can actually be counterproductive. The tendency to put hands in mouths can be hazardous if disinfectants are used overzealously. Also, not dealing with microorganisms, both good and bad, may have an adverse effect on the development of a child's immune system.

So in short take reasonable precautions, but don't overdo it.
參考: I am actually conducting an experiment to showcase in a project in the Tennessee Academy of Science's Spring competition that is related to this subject. My project deals with the myth of the "Superbug" created by antibacterial and antimicrobial soaps. The theory of the Superbug is bunk, but there are several negative side effects to the over use of such products.
2008-01-08 1:42 pm
You don't! It's as simple as that. If there are germs about you and your family you will gradually build up a resistance to them. When I was little, my mother used bleach as there wasn't really anything else on the market. A few germs are good for you. We didn't always wash our hands before eating, we'd be in the garden, in the river, over the park, playing with the dog and generally being happy children. Today at the ripe old age of 62, I am rarely ill and only suffer a bad cold every other year. If we were to completely banish germs we'd build up no resistance a constantly be unwell.
2008-01-05 12:13 am
#1 answer: wash your hands!!!! wash them well at all times and often. this is a preventive measure. if you cough or sneeze, cough or sneeze into a tissue or into the bent are of your elbow (if a tissue is not available) instead of using your hands..then, wash your hands!
you can sanitize all you want but the hands and the eyes are the most susceptable places for germs..the hands spread them everywhere, money from person to person to person, etc. also use a paper towel when you are sanitizing with a cleaner (preferably bleach and water though viable for only 12-24 hours if I remember correctly, will always need to form new portions and ratios if sitting around) because the paper towels can be thrown away..if you use a spongue or towel or wash cloth, etc, they harbor germs and bacteria. But once done cleaning, wash your hands. Even if you wear some type of gloves, vinyl, surgical, latex, wash before and wash after..make certain you wash well under any rings and under the fingernails!!!
參考: do u really want to know..
2007-12-31 12:10 am
Well to keep from making my family OCD I usually just clean the best i can and be done with it. So good so far! But i have to say spraying your whole house with lysol and chemicals has got to hurt your lungs.. I feel soap and water are signifcant enough for health kids and adults. People are far to worried about germs these days. Germs are as much a part of life as the air we breath.
2007-12-29 6:01 am
It's almost impossible to protect ourselves from germs since we are surrounded by them daily, but I have always stressed hand-washing with my children since they were very small tots and this has been a way of life for them even now.
Hot showers and baths daily with a good anti-bacterial soap is a must....using disinfectant sprays like Lysol on phones, remote controls, door knobs etc,
Especially in the wintertime when the house is closed more, I use Lysol spray to cleanse the air of any bacteria, and of course I also open the windows and doors for a while to add fresh air to the house.

Eating well is a plus too. Drink plenty of fluids and a muti-vitamin is helpful too.
2007-12-25 1:07 pm
They make a dip bucket full of latex dip that you can dip each member of your family in. Just have to cut a slit for the mouth and eyes when dry. Then they can go into public fully protected from germs so long as they only use those slits to see a little and breathe. It is called a body condom. Dupont has been researching it for years now. It's initial reason for discovery was to help protect people on "Leper Island" when they had to go there to visit or something.
2007-12-17 8:10 pm
have some germ-x or purell (the waterless hand gel that comatains alcohol) always handy in bookbags, briefcases, offices, right inside the door you enter your house so can ex-germinate yourselves before spreading them throughout the home. use disinfectant sprays like lysol is really good. they mean 99.9% all germs gone. use lysol wipes on doorknobs, toilets, and telephones, which commonly carry an obnoxious amount of bacteria. try to use a napkin to open doors from public bathrooms, and be sure to educate your children how important it is to know that kids carry more germs than any body so they shouldn't drink after other children and things of that nature. but be aware that dirt and germs are normal. you shouldnt obsess about it because you will not free society from germs they are everywhere. so dont waste your life bein a germ freak, although i completely understand the concern. oh! and a little dirt never hurt anything. being subjected to some bacteria and germs is good for your immune system. it's kind of like excersice. dont be too clean for your immune system will get lazy and weak thinking it dont have a job to do anymore. and when all else fails, just go to the doctor they have a great thing they call antibiotics that pretty much cures everything.
參考: have 11 children and have been there. trust me i'm a religious user of the lysol spray
2007-12-30 10:09 am
Regular handwashing is the best line of defense against germs. You should was your hands regularly and for at least 15-30 seconds. If you wash your hands throughout the day and keep them away from the face (unless recently washed) you can help keep you and your family safe from germs. Most germs that cause us to catch a flu or cold usually enter our body through the nose, or inhailed through the mouth. Just keep that in mind. If you know someone is sick stay away; you dont want to bring that home to your family. Lastly, use common sense, it will usual drop a little hint to let you know the right time to wash, and the best time to avoid a hand shake; listen to your gut.
Ps. Good sanitary habits (keeping your house clean) along with good hygiene (regular bathing and clean clothes) also helps...not that anyone doesnt already do those things ;)
2016-12-24 3:49 pm
參考: Home Defence Course
2014-09-02 2:39 am
use disinfectant sprays like lysol is really good. they mean 99.9% all germs gone. use lysol wipes on doorknobs, toilets, and telephones, which commonly carry an obnoxious amount of bacteria. try to use a napkin to open doors from public bathrooms, and be sure to educate your children how important it is to know that kids carry more germs than any body so they shouldn't drink after other children and things of that nature. but be aware that dirt and germs are normal. you shouldnt obsess about it because you will not free society from germs they are everywhere. so dont waste your life bein a germ freak, although i completely understand the concern. oh! and a little dirt never hurt anything. being subjected to some bacteria and germs is good for your immune system. it's kind of like excersice. dont be too clean for your immune system will get lazy and weak thinking it dont have a job to do anymore. and when all else fails, just go to the doctor they have a great thing they call antibiotics that pretty much cures everything.

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