paypal一問` 急` 20分`

2007-10-13 7:56 am
我想問下大家` paypal係點用嫁?



唔好copy paypal d網俾我` 我已經睇過曬`


Thanks` 大家幫下我啦` 唔該曬你地呀~ 萬分感激`!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-10-14 4:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如你係美國, 你可用 "add funds" 直接由你個 US bank account transfer 去你嘅 paypal account 唔需要手續費. 亦唔需要有信用卡. 之後你用 paypal 比錢買嘢就會直接 debit 你嘅 paypal account. 當然你要有足夠嘅錢係入面. 如果你用 paypal 收錢. 亦都可以由 paypal account transfer 返去你嘅 US bank account(3-4days) 亦係唔需要手續費.
參考: myself
2007-10-13 8:05 am
You can add your credit card into paypal account.
If you want to send money to someone, the money will be credited from your credit card to paypal account, then you can send money to someone.

1. It is free to send money
2. You should pay around 3% transaction fee to paypal when you receive money. But you can have the first three transaction free of charge.

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