
2007-10-13 7:03 am



回答 (2)

2007-10-13 12:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
係幾年(或者十幾年)之前砌機通常會平好多, 同埋你可以自己選用唔同牌子的parts, 因應自己需要加或減, 容易控制budget... 加上可以自行upgrade hardware.

但係近幾年硬件價格不斷下跌, 廠機價錢亦都非常貼近砌機, 加上好多大廠好似Dell可以俾你配撘唔同組合, 好似多啲RAM或者大啲Harddisk咁... 而且仲會跟埋正版windows...

如果你識得電腦硬件知識或者唔怕硬件壞要自己拎去換, 砌機會俾好大自由度你...
但係如果你唔識自己troubleshoot hardware問題, 或怕俾人呃加上怕麻煩要自己拎parts去整, 就應該買廠機, 因為佢地通常都包上門保養, 通常係一年, 但買機時或差不多夠期時可以加錢續保, 而且有電話support, 同埋價錢其實唔會差得太多, 所以我覺得砌機會比較適合對電腦不太熟悉又不會常upgrade的用家.

有好多人會覺得貴幾百蚊唔抵但係佢地通常只係計硬件價錢, 無計到上門送貨, 正版windows同保養呢啲...
參考: 自己經驗
2007-10-13 6:51 pm
砌機同廠機邊樣好D - It depend on what you want... if you ask for stable.. sure is 廠機. of course you still can get more stable 砌機. but the point is. all 廠機 will do more checking before the products selling in the market. But 砌機 is NOT

砌機比起廠機有咩好 - 砌機 can make what you want. but 廠機 normally will have their own config. you cannot change it. Of course some of 廠機 can do that... such as Dell. but also the limit as they can provide. And also 砌機 may little cheaper than 廠機.

But the point is, even 砌機 also provide maintenance, but from the shop you buy.. are you sure the shop will NOT close for next few month or year?

Unless you know about computer, otherwise, if you are computer beginning... I prefer 廠機.

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