Covalent Bond

2007-10-13 6:41 am
請問simple bond, double bond and triple bond有咩分別?

回答 (2)

2007-10-14 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to know that a bond contains two eletrons

simple bond
e.g. iodine 2,8,7 I-I
it needs to share 1 electron, therefore in a iodine molecule,
there are two electrons are sharing each other, and then we have a single bond

double bond
e.g. oxygen 2,8,6 O=O
it needs to share 2 electron, therefore in a oxygen molecule,
there are four electrons are sharing each other, and then we have a double bond

triple bond
e.g. nitrogen 2,5 N≡N
it needs to share 3 electron, therefore in a nitrogen molecule,
there are six electrons are sharing each other, and then we have a triple bond

2007-10-13 21:20:42 補充:
there are X electrons sharing each other...NO the second 'are'.. sorry for the mistake =V="A bond = a pair
2007-10-13 7:26 am
simple bond係 c-c(一對share e-)
double bond係c=c(兩對share e-)
triple bond 係 c_=c(三對share e-)

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