
2007-10-13 5:10 am
Q1 Double covalent bond is a kind of electrostatic attraction.Name two examples of molecules containing double covalent bond .

回答 (3)

2007-10-13 8:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
the above is wrong....Cs is a metal and with metallic bond exist between its atom, and it occur as Cs but not Cs2

two examples of molecules containing double covalent bond are
CO2 carbon dioxide O=C=O, O2 oxygen O=O. (their bond are ALL double bond)

And some bonds in them are not all double, but they contain double bond.
C2H4 ethene H-C=C-H (one double bond and two single bond),

There are so much.... you can try yourself..just try to draw them and it will make u easier to do.
參考: hope it can help you...for more chem or science question, u can contact me by my msn.
2007-10-15 5:26 am
Covalent bond is the attractive bond between non-metal atoms..

Common example will be CO2 (O=C=O) , O2 (O=O) , etc.
2007-10-13 6:35 am
參考: myself

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