
2007-10-13 4:49 am

回答 (2)

2007-10-13 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sea turtles are the marine turtle collectively, all turtles are the only animals living in marine species. Back there carcasses, the usual river turtles or tortoises more complex patterns, Shell is flat streamline the appearance. Sea turtles in the foot to adapt long-distance swimming, evolved into paddle-shaped.

Sea turtles a long history of the evolution can trace to the Cretaceous period Qiqianwubaimonian ago, when sea turtles are carnivorous, such as sea turtles ancient sea turtles, according to the archaeological fossils found in North America, the size of sea turtles is amazing, as long as 3.5 meters, with the motor size. Shell has obvious girdle-like, can refer to images.

The global total of existing species of sea turtles 2 Section 6 of 7, the two branches were loggerhead turtles and tortoises Branch Branch. Turtle likes tropical and temperate shallow waters to pulmonary respiration, must return to lay eggs on land, the staple food of different sea turtles are not the same, the majority of sea turtles are migratory in nature, will be in the breeding season from foraging habitat to return to spawning habitat, about 95% of loyalty will return to the original place of birth, mating spawning.

East Asia can be found in the waters of the sea turtles have five five, in addition to-back turtles mainly distributed in Australia's northern waters, the turtle's willing mainly distributed in the Caribbean,
參考: me
2007-10-13 5:01 am
海龜響地球上已經生存咗超過一億年,一啲早期化石記錄更可追溯至 2 億 3 千萬年前。佢哋係住響海裏面嘅龜。


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