
2007-10-13 4:19 am
我想問下, 金澤(水尺)<--呢個地方
係唔係 關西JR 唔包呀???

坐關西JR PASS 去到邊個站, 然後再轉車去 金澤呀???


回答 (5)

2007-10-13 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can take JR express train (JR 特急) and go there directly. No need for transfer. 直行JR特急 不用乗換.
JR pass is applicable for the whole Japan, so it is ok. JR West Rail pass or Kansai pass are not ok. But if you just go to Kanazawa 金沢, there is no need for you to buy a JR pass because it costs 28,300JPY. And a return ticket to and fro 金沢 for 1 person is only 14,880JPY (half JR pass' price).

For every hour there are 2 express trains going directly from Osaka 大阪 to Kanazawa 金沢.
(1) 大阪-->JR特急雷鳥号--> 金沢 (usually leaves at 12min every hour e.g.8:12, 9:12, 10:12 etc)
乗り換え:0回 (乗車2時間55分)
片道one way 7,440円(乗車券4,620円 特別料金2,820円)
(2) 大阪-->JR特急サンダーバード号--> 金沢 (usually leaves at 42min every hour e.g. 8:42, 9:42, 10:42 etc)
乗り換え:0回 (乗車2時間31分)
片道one way 7,440円(乗車券4,620円 特別料金2,820円)

You may check the time schedule of each train by searching here in this JR Eng site: http://grace.hyperdia.com/cgi-english/hyperWeb.cgi
Just enter start point : Osaka
+ Destination: Kanazawa
+ your designated date & time
=> then you will have the time schedule of the train that meet your plan

2007-10-12 21:20:23 補充:
Osaka Station means Osaka/Umeda 大阪梅田 Station, not Shin-Osaka 新大阪 Station.

2007-10-14 14:32:08 補充:
So you want to find a nearest station that you can go to 金沢.Using JR West pass, the nearest station is Kyoto京都 as Fukui福井 is NOT INCLUDED in the pass.Taking the Kansai pass, the nearest station is Fukui福井 BUT you have to be careful as there are many Kansai pass.

2007-10-14 14:38:12 補充:
You may buy is Fukui & Kyoto & Osaka Version of Kansai pass but this pass can only have unlimited travel between Kansai Airport, Osaka, Kyoto and Fukui. lf you plan to go to Nara, Kobe or Shirahama etc, you have to pay extra as these places are not included in this version of Kansai pass.

2007-10-15 12:48:07 補充:
Kansai pass is not issued by JR and you can take JR and Nankai limited express trains. If l were you, l wont buy the Fukui KO version (5 days @ 15,300 Yen) because you only take 1 trip to Fukui. If you buy Kyoto & Osaka Version (4 days @ 6,500 Yen) you may save 8,800 Yen.

2007-10-15 12:55:24 補充:
8,800 Yen is sufficient for u to go from京都 to 金沢 by express JR train (you can only use limited express train by Kansai pass and you have to pay extra from 福井to 金沢).
2016-01-28 3:48 pm
2007-10-15 12:11 am
JR West Rail Pass 有兩種, Kansai Area Pass 及 Sanyo Area Pass (詳情: http://www.westjr.co.jp/english/travel/jrp/index.html). 其他的 Pass 都不是由 JR 西日本發出的.
而在關西地區內, 坐JR已可到大部份的地方, 除非你會去姬路或坐JR的特急はるか (Haruka) 號往來關西機場, 否則只是往來大阪, 京都, 神戶, 奈良等, 每程車費最貴都只是700多円 (大阪 - 奈良), 而這些地方多數一去便是一日, 那來回車費都不過千多円. 眾多Pass中最平的JR West Kansai Area Pass一日都要2,000円, 所以你最好計清楚是否需要買Pass. (搜尋車費及路線的網頁: http://www.ekikara.jp/)
如果你決定買 Kansai Area Pass, 可以去到的地方距離上最近金沢的, 是京都府內的山科 (Yamashina). 但這是個小站, 沒有直接車到金沢. 若計車程, 在京都出發會是最近.
由京都出發去金沢, 最快捷直接的是坐特急サンダーバード或特急雷鳥, 車費是6,200円, 車程約2小時15-25分鐘 (視乎班次, 雷鳥比サンダーバード慢一點).
安排在Pass有效的最後一日在京都過夜, 翌日出發去金沢便最平和方便 (特急サンダーバード和雷鳥都是在大阪開出, 關西區域只停大阪, 新大阪和京都, 所以其實你沒選擇). 若你是打算在Pass有效的最後一日往金沢, 由Pass包括的任何一個地方坐普通/快速/新快速列車 (Kansai Area Pass除了Haruka外, 只能坐特急以下的列車) 往京都再轉車往金沢, 會比在大阪出發平730円.

2007-10-16 00:17:23 補充:
此答案所說的所有內容全部和JR West Pass 無關. 必須重申, Kansai Area Pass 和答案所說的 Kansai PASSPORT 是完全不同的兩件事. 我不懷疑回答者的熱心. 但是發問者自己說問"關西jr pass". 如果發問者不知道自己到底想問什麼, 應先搞清楚, 不要浪費其他人好心回答你的時間.

另外, 建議發問者出發前好好計劃一下自己的行程是否真的需要買 Pass. 去過大阪的人都會知道值得買Pass的機會甚少, 如果發問者不仔細考慮便買答案所說的Kansai PASSPORT, 可以肯定你9成會蝕本.
2007-10-14 3:58 am
我係楓葉,因爲上面個答案字數超過限制,所以不能加更正,現借朋友account 更正:
全國 7 天 JR Pass 應為 28,300 yen
2007-10-13 5:45 am
金澤是關西JR一部份, 所以 PASS 是包的.



可由京都乘JR, 另查金沢站, 屬於北陸線, 可由大阪或京都找接駁北陸線便可.

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