Help me first la......

2007-10-13 2:52 am
What is face book ar?

回答 (1)

2007-10-13 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
About Facebook

Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.

Anyone can join Facebook
All that's needed to join Facebook is a valid email address. To connect with coworkers or classmates, use your school or work email address to register. Once you register, join a regional network to connect with the people in your area.

Discover the people around you
Facebook is made up of many networks, each based around a company, region, or school. Join the networks that reflect your real-life communities to learn more about the people who work, live, or study around you.

Do more
Facebook's Platform enables anyone, anywhere, to build complete applications that you can choose to use. The possibilities are endless. Define your experience on Facebook by choosing applications that are useful and relevant to your world.

Keep it private
At Facebook, we believe that people should have control over how they share their information and who can see it. People can only see the profiles of confirmed friends and the people in their networks. You can use our privacy settings at any time to control who can see what on Facebook.

About the company
For corporate information and press materials, check out our press page.

Learn more
To learn more about Facebook before joining, take our Site Tour.

其實face book係類似 blog+msn+flickr, 即係集upload相片, video同分享網頁等的網站, 只要用有效既網址登記便可用得, 宜家佢好似愈來愈hit, 我身邊好多朋友都開始玩face book, 當你join左face book後, 仲可以自動send e-mail邀請其他人一齊玩添~

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