How to make 外掛?

2007-10-13 2:12 am
How to make 外掛?

回答 (1)

2007-10-23 2:19 am
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Sub SavePicture(ByVal Path As String)

If Not IO.Directory.Exists( Path) Then

IO.Directory.CreateD irectory(Path)

End If

Dim FileName As String = Microsoft.Win32.Regi stry.CurrentUser.Ope nSubKey("Softwa re\Majesty\Gulong Starter").GetVa lue("FileName&q uot;, "")

Dim a As Integer

While IO.File.Exists(Path & "\" & FileName & a & ".bmp")

a += 1

End While

memoryImage.Save(Pat h & "\" & FileName & a & ".bmp", Drawing.Imaging.Imag eFormat.Bmp)

End Sub

Sub StartAs(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

System.Diagnostics.P rocess.Start("S tarter.exe")

End Sub

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