Case sensitive 點解?

2007-10-13 12:52 am
常在text見到 - Case sensitive 點解?

回答 (2)

2007-10-13 1:57 am
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A simple explanation and example of Case Sensitive.

For the 26 alphabets (a to z), they have two cases for typing. E.g. when you just type (a), you will type it as the lower case. However, when you type the letter with the shift key pressed on the same time, or you type the letter with the (Caps Lock) switched on, you will type (A), which is said as the upper case.

An example of Case Sensitive application is the logon of password. E.g. if the password is BYC8111 and is Case Sensitive, if you type byc8111, the computer system will check for case sensitive validity and reject your logon.

I have tried my best to help you.

2007-10-13 23:46:31 補充:
2007-10-13 12:57 am

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