
2007-10-12 9:35 pm
以下係一 d本人資料:
現於城大副學士先修課程(韓英) 諗住完成兩年AD再去個邊升(根據MIss,讀完等於韓語3等)
只持有HKCEE Result


另一個問題, 報讀韓國延世大學的語言學院~是不是不等於讀了延世大學??


回答 (1)

2007-10-17 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
唔詳盡得唔得. 見冇人答就答下你啦.
Cert Result + 城大副學士 -> may try applying their degree courses.
You have to meet level 4 to enter the Korean U and you better take TOPIK before you go. No matter what result you have, you have to sit for the entrance interview of YeonSe and l dont think you will manage to pass that usless you have excellent Cert result and you speak fluent Korean. The minimum standard is that you can do free talking in Korean (after reading the materials/charts that school provided to you).
For English, you have to take TEPS in Korea.
延世大學的語言學院 不等於 延世大學.
My advice is that the competition to Korean Universities is high and you have a better chance if you enter at post-graduate level. Also the school fee for K-U (延世大學 is expensive as it is a private U) and the living expenses are high too. Studying in HK is cheaper. After you graduated from K-U, you may not have a better opportunities to be employed in HK. Why go to Korea?

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