
2007-10-12 8:09 pm

回答 (6)

2007-10-15 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
總之月尾前會有年報出以及會有消息公報(利福之收購行動成功與否)!!!不要太過worry, 我不相信咁大間公司會咁易死!!!!
2007-10-16 6:40 am
10月26日開董事會後, 比少少耐性.
2007-10-16 12:14 am
I think the end result should be disclosed on end Oct. no matter 48 will be bankruptcy or changed the management board. However that is quite difficult to believe such company can easily be recovery, for the last year turnover with 6.6b but the long debt with bankers 3b and plus uncertain account receivable 2.3b and now the company only have the capital value of less than 1b . One more, the chairman still disappear until now even 48 said will be returned on end Sept and those debts are under his personal will when the bankers to release the debt to 48.

God bless 48 will be changed to new main shareholders but also will take very long time to recovery, as this new shareholder is not familiar to handle the manufacturing business, and proposed this attitude to buy 48 is only for buy and sell for their brand management business. If really good luck for 48 can be active on the stock market on end of this month, only one thing can do is to sold to cut the loss.
2007-10-15 8:06 pm
參考: you can see see
2007-10-12 8:16 pm
2007-10-12 8:15 pm
tomrrow !!!!= =

2007-10-12 12:15:40 補充:
just I think!!!= =

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